Tuesday 29 March 2011

Lit Fuse - First Strike

A discarded piano on Ellis Island. Immigrants to the USA brought with them, many precious things from home: music, cooking implements, songs, stories and poems.
Sunday 27 March, 2011 - Amanda

I have been working with 3 dynamic, committed, talented and tireless performance poets on the Lit Fuse project, initiated by Apples and Snakes and mac Birmingham, exploring how far the boundaries of performance can be pushed for spoken word artists.

For Red Earth this is a project working outside our comfort zone and that's a good thing; it energises and gives us new perspectives. Collaboration is at the heart of Red Earth's work and I have learnt so much already from working with Fatima Al Matar, Jodi Ann Bickley and Matt Windle.

Performance poets are really brave.
They bear their souls in performance.
Unlike actors, they don't have the luxury of hiding behind a character.

Now, the poets will develop work with Bohdan Piasecki from Apples and Snakes to develop their ideas and write a new poem for performance at the Lit Fuse event on:

Saturday 16th April @ mac, 7.30 p.m Tickets £7 (£5)
Sales and Information 0121 446 3232

Check out Fatima, Jodi Ann and Matt on You Tube:

Amanda Wilde (Co-Artistic Director)

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